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In 2009, I had a dream that I will never forget. After embarking on a mystical journey, I came to a door inside the back of a house. As I walked through the door, I heard a deep, vibrational sound. On the other side was a very beautiful tree surrounded by bright rays of light. The image of the tree would not only stick with me but would become the guiding star on my new path. The tree image would lead me to a spiritual path of growth and development with a focus on helping others in need. Shortly after the dream, I found myself in Hilton Head for a work conference where I had a deep tissue massage with energy healing that would change my life. I emerged feeling a strong connection to nature and others. Everything seemed so beautiful, the colors of the flora, fauna, trees, the sky, the sun. I felt a deep sense of belonging to the Universe along with unconditional love for myself and others. All of the things that I had been hard on myself for doing wrong up until that point didn’t matter. I only felt peace, joy, and love. I received an instant download of clarity to the answers I was seeking. My consciousness began to shift to what truly mattered in life but not first without a good, hard look in the mirror. I remember during a heavy ego shedding process, always feeling like I was going to die. And this ego death was only the beginning of my ascension journey. I would go on to heal from addiction, abuse, depression, grief and failed suicide attempts. I am now truly the happiest I have ever been in my life, and I have drawn upon experience, training and guidance to help support others. I have love. I have abundance. I have joy. I wish the same for all of you.

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